No rabbits - only robbers... rob-bits, rab-bits..rabbits... But in true - devils. One of phase of lie about devils. Devils looks like human, but they gonna lie future generations, so they think of describe and paintings rabbits.... Devils on the paintigs have a two faces (other on teh stomach) - because is't a symbol of two-faced "people". Now people thinking, the devils have horn and hooves. It's not true - devils live beetwen as - they planned wars and hate beetwen think "a bad man", but....Devils are not a spirits. They like as, but it's looks they are like another rase... Now you know, from what place come racism...
siege rabbits
Pontifical of Renaud de Bar, France ca. 1303-1316 (Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, MS 298, fol. 41r)
Discarding Images
Homosexual King Julian as a symbol of two-sex Bahomet - look at the throne - the same figure with breasts.